Bank account information

If you prefer not to carry out a donation through Paypal, you can make a bank transfer (single or periodical) to our Triodos Bank Account. From outside Spain:

IBAN account number: ES81 1491 0001 2410 0946 3629


From Spain:

Account number: 1491 0001 24 1009463629

In both cases:

Beneficiary Name: Asociacion Comunes

The Comunes Association serves as an umbrella for several initiatives. If you desire to contribute to one specific initiative (such as “Move Commons”), please provide the name of it when doing the bank transfer. Besides, in order to be acknowledged for your contribution, you should add your name or email to the bank transfer. Example:

to movecommons from Alice and Bob


to movecommons from [email protected]

If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact us at donate at ourproject dot org.

Thanks indeed!

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